Mon 27 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
NEW !!!! _ ☆ SMOKING HOT ViXeN ( * BLoNDe* ) ♥ ( *1OO% REAL* ) ☆ _ Xo __ 24/7!! - 23
(Pensacola, In/Outcalls Pensacola and surrounding)
**New Big Beauty On The Scene** **Educated** *Upcale* ** The One and Only Vanessa** - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and Surrounding Areas)
♥—[[ GoRGeouS ]] ——♥ ——[[Tall, Thick, & Blonde]] --- 75 special - 22
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
💋Long legs, 😘 long hair, 💋 Southern cumfort💋 - 28
(Pensacola, Pensacola Florida, and surrounding areas)
SAIGE SUPERSTACKS ☮ ♥ ☯ W I L D ☮ ♥ ☯ W E D N E S D A Y *~*~*~* LACEE LUV too! - 39
(Pensacola, Pensacola/Orange Beach/Navarre/just ask!)
Genuinely realistic and you wont be disappointed…….. yes its me!! - 22
(Pensacola, pensacola and surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
♛• • • • • • •♛ I will make you feel like a KING ♛• • • • • • •♛ - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
I'm the one you'll NEVER want to let GET AWAY!!!!!! - 28
(Pensacola, Pensacola, FL and surrounding areas)
Start your weekend off right!! Lala is AVAILABLE NOW!! Call 850 602-3843 - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
Classy, Sexy, Sensous, and Mature Lady. from 9 mile rd and guidy ln area - 50
(Pensacola, 9 mile rd and surrounding areas)
Beautiful, discreet & NEW to the scene 850-418-9335 - 28
(Pensacola, Pensacola, 29 and surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
New in area. looking for some southern hospitality. Available Now! Early bird specials - 28
(Pensacola, All over Pensacola and surrounding areas)
Let this luscious curvy blonde fulfill ur fantasies! AVAILABLE NOW!! Call Lala 850 602-3843 - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
~* WeEkENd ~* SPeCiALS *~ HOTT *~ n *~ SeXY *~ READY *~ to PLEASE *~ - 27
(Pensacola, ft walton bch n destin)
Specials! Specials! Specials! Give me a call or text to hear about them!! - 28
(Pensacola, Pensacola and all surrounding areas!)
Southern Bell in town! Sweet, Sexy, and Everything you need!!!! - 26
(Pensacola, pensacola and surrounding areas)
*** sEXY n SweeT *** come play with us... Working all night long!!! - 27
(Pensacola, Fort walton beach)
*★* Sw€€T & Pl@yFuL ★ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *★* SiMpLY gIfTeD- Well Reviewed- 100 in/out specials - 22
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
***SMOKIN HOTT SPECIALS*** Very professional and discreet!! Available for Inbound & Outbound.... - 29
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
R3dH3ad petite and SOO S3xy!!!! -- SPECIAL OUTCALL ONLY - 33
*SPECIALS*Last night here! I'm HOT & SEXY all alone on MY bday! HURRY Call me NOW!! - 26
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
♛• • • • • • • I will make you feel like a KING!• • • • • • •♛ - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
*FUNSIZE*Cutie * Pie * SPECIAL $200 IN & OUT calls 24/7 (850) 512-0317 - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
♥—[[ GoRGeouS ]] ——♥ ——[[Tall, Thick, & Blonde]] --- 75 special - 22
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
~~ CoMe ** EnJoy ** a ** lil ** R-n-R ** this ** SUNDAY ** !!!! - 27
(Pensacola, ft. walton and surrounding areas)
☆☆☆Come play with Charlie☆☆☆(Ready and waiting on your call NOW!!!!!) - 30
(Pensacola, Pensacola, Florida and surrounding areas)
Hot playmate sexy playmate gorgeous playmate beautiful playmate - 35
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding area's)
Incall location downtown area with a special rates until new years. - 22
(Pensacola fl and surrounding areas)
highway29-incall now -come get some kisses- 2512848879 - 21
(Pensacola, gulfshores, orange beach and surrounding)
Hershey Kisses New Treat Around Town Ms.CoCo Sweets - 22
(Pensacola, Nas Pensacola/Pensacola and surrounding)
any ladies in the pensacola area want a sugar daddy? im the man for the job...... - 30
(Pensacola, pensacola and surrounding areas)
❤❤❤LooKouT PeNsaCoLa❤Jade' s hErE To SHow YoU SoMe swEEt SoUtHeRn HoSPitAlity ❤❤❤Check Out My NewPic - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and Surrounding Areas)
**Hot & SweeT! Sexy, BeauTiFul, PlayFul, Fun and DisCreeT TanTaLiziNg TiFFani - 32
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
★★Let me be your DIRTY LIL SECRET~Call your favorite LU$CIOUS BLONDE★★(850)490-3815 CALL NOW!!! - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
§§°° Looking for some fun with no strings attathed - 24
(Pensacola, pensacola and surrounding areas)
Melissa - Totally Hot!! Very Available!! Always Discreet!! - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
**SEXY, EroTic, BeauTiFuL Tantalizing TiFFani!!** taking incalls ** - 32
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)
**** READY **** & **** WILLING **** 2 ***** PLEASE ***** - 27
(Pensacola, ft. walton and surrounding areas)
Ms Honey and Sapphire will be visiting Fri after 10pm all weekend long - 25
(pensacola and surrounding areas)
Genuinely realistic and you wont be disappointed .. yes its me!! LeXi. 850/483-0269 - 22
(Pensacola, pensacola and surrounding areas)
Come and get some CANDY!!! Come play in my CANDYLAND!! - 19
(Pensacola, Pensacola, FLA and surrounding areas)
Need some TLC? Don't wait call me @ 850-382-8053 ---- Ryan - 30
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas...)
!!NEW TO THE AREA!! 💋Sexy & Sassy💋 Clean & Classy💋850-380-9028💋 - 30
(Pensacola, Pensacola and surrounding areas)