Sun 12 Jan
[[I'M BACK!!]] 🎀 ★ •• ★ CUTIE • ★ • ON • ★ • DUTY • ★ •• ★ 🎀 ( (♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥) ) - 30
(Pensacola, I-10 / PCOLA BLVD)
*•♛•**¨ *:•.♥__ ℳirror ℳirror on the wall...... I am the BEST of them all __♥.•:*¨ *•♛•* - 27
(Pensacola, Incalls ♛ Pensacola ♛ N.Davis Hwy. I-10)
Lets Make This Happen!!!.. ASHLEE ....85o 5o1 1o16 - 31
(Pensacola, Quick Convenient incall@ Davis and I 10)
last day in town come see me while im here dont miss out - 21
(Pensacola, I 10& North Davis Highway)
Sat 11 Jan
NEW PICS 💗 •*¨¨*•-:¦: WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO :¦: •*¨¨*•-💗 - 33
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
*i'M BA€KK iN T0₩N*!! SP£C¡AL$ G0iNG 0N N0₩* $40/30MiN $80/H0UR ++ALL NiTE++ AvAiL.24/hrs!! - 22
(Pensacola, PENSACOLA Davis Hwy I-10 exit)
NEW PICS •♥• PuRe P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E with a true Southern Sweetheart •♥• - 27
(Pensacola, Pensacola. N.Davis Hwy. I-10)
❤ S A I G E ❤ S U P E R S T A C K S ❤ I S ❤ B A C K ❤ N E W P H O T O S !! - 40
(Pensacola, Pine Forest Rd. & I-10)
PrettyBlack __New2Area __Last night here 50IncAll spl til 11 !!!! - 23
(Pensacola, Pensacola Blvd Gulf Shores & surrounding)
FETISHES - ♛ *¨¨* Smiling is the second BEST thing WE both do!! *¨¨* ♛ - 27
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
** 40 InChEs oF MaSS.. DeStRuCtIoN *_* REAdy T0 PLeASE N0T TEASe!! - 21
(Pensacola, PENSCOLA, I-10, DAVIS HWY,)
100% Genuine,100% Independent, & Discreet Available all weekend - 35
(Pensacola, I-10 Pine forest Rd/)
ღ•° •.. SOFT LIPS ღ•° •.. CUTE HIPS ღ•° •..FUN FINGERTIPS ღ•° • - 33
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
[•♥•] LITTLE [•♥•] PIECE [•♥•] OF [•♥•] HEAVEN [•♥•]
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
Fri 10 Jan
SATISFACTION is my specialty! 850356619o Real pics, Real pleasure, True provider, Quality service! - 25
(Pensacola, Your place or my room! Pensacola @ I 10)
*»Paisley«* ~4'9" & Ready To Play~ Monday Incall Special! *850-292-4078* CALL NOW!! - 24
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
______ ◤ ❤ ◢ STUNNING BRUNETTE ◤ ❤ ◢ ______ - 34
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
50 - 80 - 140 - ☆★☆★☆ F I V E ★☆★☆★ S T A R ☆★☆★☆ S E R V I C E ★☆★☆★ - $50 - $80 - $140 - 23
(Pensacola, ** Davis Hwy ** I-10 ** {Holiday Inn })
Ready Willing and Waiting for you! Luscious blonde 8503045813 COME GET IT! You wont be disappointed - 24
(Pensacola, Convenient incall just off of I 10)
► ► ———————————— ———————————— LAST NIGHT HERE IN PENSACOLA ——————————— ———————————— ◄$50- Special ◄ - 25
(Pensacola, Pensacola Beach - I-10 Area)
Thu 09 Jan
((Petite F.R..A.K.)) -:¦:-. ((SEXY)) as ((SIN)) ((¯`'. ¸ SWEET ; L I K E ; C A N D Y¸. '´¯)) - 34
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
✿ ❀ *ೋ* ONE OF A KIND ೋ* ❀ ✿ - 27
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
((NEW MENU)) TÕUCH M€——•X•——T€AS€ M€ ——•X•——F€€L M€——•X•——PL€AS€ M€ - 35
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
The Libidinous ~Deja~ Millirary PAY DAY Special!! - 24
(Pensacola, in Davis & I-10 Pcola, to AL, Destin)
*SP£C¡AL$ G0iNG 0N N0₩*CALL ME NOW!!!++ALL DAY&NiTE;++ AvAiL.24/hrs!! - 22
(Pensacola, PENSACOLA Davis Hwy I-10 exit)
(¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) Forget the REST and call the BEST (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) - 27
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
- *♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: I WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - - 27
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
(*) $100 Special (C) (H) (O) (C) (O) (L) (A) (T) (E) Today Only!!!! - 26
(Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach Only Not P-Cola)
*-:¦:-* Let Me ★ Finish What ★ Your Eyes ★ Started *-:¦:-* - 33
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
It's the weekend let's celebrate kick back and relax and enjoy each other 727 729 9208 - 44
(North Davis Highway close to I-10, Pensacola)
Morning With **Audrey Kelly** | Pensacola's Voluptuous Vamp | 8506845414 | - 27
(Pensacola, I-10 Pensacola)
IM ♥°o° EVERY•°o°• MAN'S •°o°• FANTASY • °♥* SoMeTHiNg YoU MuST ExPeRieNCe - 18
Justice Jones 650 877 2963 Exotic, Free spirited ,Classic beauty, Well reviewed 6508772963 - 27
(Pensacola, I-10 Pensacola)
hey gentlemen catch me before I leave 70 specials all night - 21
(Pensacola, I 10& North Davis Highway)
Wed 08 Jan
See ^ Me ^ See ^ You ^ On ^ The ^ Mischievous ^ List ^___^ KelS33 - 23
(Pensacola, North Pensacola I-10)
Ready Willing and Waiting for you! Luscious blonde NEW NUMBER!! 8505129899 COME GET IT! - 24
(Pensacola, Convenient incall just off of I 10)
♥💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹N0W🌹 💕FLaWLeSs 💋💗 Ẹ¥Ẹ ₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖💙ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ 💜💜#1world's best 💟 KNOCKOUT - 21
(Pensacola, I 10& North Davis Highway)
** SPECIAL! BRAND New BUSTY Sexy Student - Blonde HOT and Wild! - 26
(Pensacola, INCALL/OUTCALL davis hwy/I-10)
✘♥✘♥ Freak ☑ Thick ☑ Exotic ☑ Sexy ☑ Big Booty ☑ Cutie ✘♥✘♥ ✘♥✘♥ - 23
(Pensacola, I 10& North Davis Highway)
NEW!! ✈ First ✈ Class ✈ Flight ✈ To ✈ HEAVEN ✈ (( NOW BOARDING! )) - 33
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
♛ •*¨¨*• My 💋 Are Never Sealed ~ Unless You're My Secret *¨¨*• ♛ - 34
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
NEW ☆* °•..-:¦:- {{ Good Girl }} *☆*Gone *☆* {{ *BAD* }} -:¦:-.. •° *☆ - 33
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
👌iM the P€RF€CT COMbinaTiON oF 🍦SwEEt & SPiCyy🔥 ...I KNOW WHAT YoU WANT👑🙇 👠👀 - 21
(Pensacola, I 10& North Davis Highway)
((LAST WEEK HERE!!!!)) TÕUCH M€——•X•——T€AS€ M€ ——•X•——F€€L M€——•X•——PL€AS€ M€ - 35
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
Tue 07 Jan
Sexy Super Busty (34DDD-24-34) Cougar VISITING .......AvAiLabLE NoW!! - 40
(Pensacola, Davis Hwy/ I-10 Pensacola)
ot and sexy LATi na €€ BIG BOOBIE €€ CUtie in house bust out !!!. - 22
(Pensacola, davis hwy and i 10)
NEW!! ♛ •*¨¨*• Boys play with toys -- Men play with ME!! •*¨¨*• ♛ - 34
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
💗 *¨¨*-:¦: WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO :¦: *¨¨*-💗 - 33
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
The Libidinous ~Deja~ Millirary PAY DAY Special!! Come get a taste of this Monday! - 24
(Pensacola, in Davis & I-10 Pcola, to AL, Destin)
*SP£C¡AL$ G0iNG 0N N0₩*CALL ME!!!++ALL DAY&NiTE;++ AvAiL.24/hrs!! - 22
(Pensacola, PENSACOLA Davis Hwy I-10 exit)
Help Me Warm Up It's Cold Outside ______ BiG BoOtY CuTiE___ Brrrrr Brrrrr - 21
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
___ * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * ___ - 27
(Pensacola, Pensacola/Davis Hwy/I-10)
** TiMe % To $ TrEaT & YoUrSeLf... ( WhY # NoT? ) DO ME NOW !!!!! - 18
(Pensacola, I-10 , DAVIS HWY)
• —°x°— • NEW PICS — BUXOM Brunette Beauty with xN A U G H T ¥x HABITS • —°x°— • - 27
(Pensacola, Incalls • Pensacola. N.Davis Hwy. I-10)
{{❤}} DELICIOUS & SATISFYING - - Watch Us Do What A Man Does Together!! {{❤}} - 34
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
°•❤•°A new adventure awaits !°•❤•° Sexy Fun Vibrant °•❤•°playful °•❤passionate❤ - 38
(Pensacola, pensacola/mobile)
>(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.'´¯) - 18
Mon 06 Jan
♛ •*¨¨*• Boys play with toys -- Men play with US!! •*¨¨*• ♛ - 27
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
Sun 05 Jan
___»-♥-» ____ °°° ____G O R G E O U S___ __ B O M B S H E L L ____°°° ___»-♥-» __ - 27
(Pensacola, Pcola - Univ. Pkwy / I-10 / E Nine Mile)
Come Party with ~*Paisley*~ Petite & Playful *850-778-2969* - 24
(Pensacola, ~In Pensacola~Gulf Shores to Destin~)
F_REAKY F_OREIGN F_RIDAY's !!! / SeXy Green-Eyed Brunette / Incall-Outcall Specials ALL DAY :-) . . - 25
(Pensacola, pensacola/gulfbreeze/perdido key/I-10)
BRAND NEW PICS •♥• PuRe P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E with a true Southern Sweetheart •♥• - 27
(Pensacola, Pensacola. N.Davis Hwy. I-10)